The codes listed below have been audited and reviewed by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), the largest credentialing organization in the world. In addition, the AAPC utilizes a 2-tier process providing a multi-layer review to help ensure the codes are complete and accurate.

CPT Codes & Fee Schedule

Cervical Spine VMA ® / Lumbar Spine VMA ® (for Ligament Laxity)

Only 1 Area on a Specific Day

CPT 76496 = $2,600 (cervical) or CPT 76496-59 (lumbar)

Total Charges: $2,600

If Both Areas (Cervical and Lumbar) on the Same Day

CPT 76496 = $2,600

CPT 76496-59 = $2,600

Total Charges: $5,200

QEEG (for TBI)

CPT 95816 EEG recording including awake and drowsy = $1,295

CPT 95957 Digital EEG Analysis = $890

CPT 95930 VEP Testing = $225

Total Charges: $2,410

Eye Movement Assessments (for TBI)

CPT 92060 Sensorimotor Examination = $225

CPT 92540 Basic Vestibular Evaluation = $350

CPT 92541 Spontaneous Nystagmus Test = $200

CPT 92545 Oscillating Tracking Test = $300

CPT 92546 Sinusoidal Rotational Test = $425

Total Charges: $1,600

Telehealth and Administration ( Nurse Practitioner )

New Patient E/M

CPT 99202: 15-29 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $450

CPT 99203: 30-44 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $675

CPT 99204: 45-59 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $975

Established Patient E/M (Any Follow-Up Telehealth Appointments)

CPT 99212: 10-19 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $330

CPT 99213: 20-29 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $525

CPT 99214: 30-39 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $750

Telehealth and Administration ( Ortho or Neuro )

New Patient E/M

CPT 99202: 15-29 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $600

CPT 99203: 30-44 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $925

CPT 99204: 45-59 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $1350

Telehealth and Administration ( Ortho or Neuro )

CPT 99212: 10-19 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $500

CPT 99213: 20-29 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $750

CPT 99214: 30-39 minutes of total time on the date of encounter = $1000

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