What is the VMA® Equipment Package?

cutting edge medical devices

Imagine stepping into your clinic and being greeted by an impressive array of cutting-edge Medical Devices.

From the qEEG, meticulously calibrated for intricate brain mapping, to the Vision Tracker System that discerns visual-motor impairments post-concussion with precision to the patented technology of the VMA® on your C-Arm.

  • qEEG - No wires, No Glue, No clean-up. Includes electrode setup, EEG amplifier, signal processing software, data analysis and interpretation, brain mapping, and clinical applications.

  • VisionTracker2™ - a portable neurotechnology tool designed for assessing and tracking visual-motor impairments related to concussions and other brain injuries.

  • VMA® - AOMSI Diagnostic Device using the fluoroscope, it can help diagnose conditions such as spinal instability, spondylolisthesis, abnormal spinal curvature, or other disorders affecting spinal motion and holds 9 patents for the technology supporting this breakthrough device.

  • C-arm for AOMSI Device - a C-shaped or arc-shaped machine that emits X-rays from one side while a detector captures the X-rays on the other side. (supplied by clinic, not a part of the PI Connection equipment package)

Cashflow Kickstart

Ribbon Cutting

During the initial installation of the VMA® equipment and ribbon cutting ceremony you’ll invite 12 - 19 past PI patients for a retest, this will then become a new payment opportunity for their case settlement.

Attorney Introductions

Our case manager will contact the attorney for all past PI patients and gather case information as well as introduce the VMA® testing to them, this renews your relationship and generate new PI cases for you.

Private Pay Programs

There are multiple treatments that

can be connected to the VMA® testing.

There are multiple treatments that

can be connected to the VMA® testing

PI Diagnostic Package for TBI & AOMSI

The VMA® is at the heart of the PI Diagnostic Package. It is rewriting the playbook for personal injury medical clinics with a groundbreaking approach that seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art diagnostics, powered by our exclusive VMA® medical equipment, to turbocharge your clinic's revenue. Welcome to the world of more cases, increased revenue per case, and expedited payouts, all without the need for costly advertising. Discover how the VMA® Advantage can transform your personal injury clinic into an unparalleled powerhouse of success.

  • Optimize Revenue Per Case:

    Supercharge your earnings by bringing diagnostics in-house, including our groundbreaking VMA technology.

  • Lead the Diagnostics Revolution:

    Establish your clinic as the premier diagnostics center in your exclusive areas, cementing your reputation as the industry leader in personal injury care.

Breakthrough Technology

FDA Cleared

501(k) K172327

VMA® and Motion Normalizer Regulatory Class: II Product Code: LLZ as medical devices demonstrated as “Substantially Equivalent” fulfilling the 501 (k) review process and do not require a premarket approval application or “approval”.

Case Support

It's not just about hardware. Case Support is your conduit to unparalleled patient care. Think of it as a dedicated liaison between you and the attorney, ensuring seamless communication. Medical validations, robust attorney support. We are on top of it all, ensuring that each aspect is managed with the utmost professionalism. With these tools at your disposal, you're positioned not merely as a doctor but as a beacon of excellence in personal injury care.

Reading, Interpreting, and Validating Diagnostic Reports

This helps in establishing the medical evidence necessary for the personal injury case and alleviates the provider’s need for coordinating with external specialists.

Case Management

We facilitate the case management between the medical provider and the attorney throughout the entire duration of the case.

Independent Medical Validation

This process helps ensure the accuracy and validity of the medical information presented, strengthening the negotiating position with the insurer. This also pre-empts the auto insurers own attempts at issuing an oppositional IMV.

Cutting-Edge Tech:

Imagine the impact of combining your medical expertise with a technology that visualizes and accelerates recovery.

Book your live demo and explore how our equipment can elevate your practice and transform lives.

Imagine the impact of combining your medical expertise with a technology that visualizes and accelerates recovery.

Book your live demo and explore how our equipment can elevate your practice and transform lives.

Complete Comprehensive and Proprietary

Provider Benefits

  • Develop stronger and more profitable attorney relationships by providing clear objective crash-related objective evidence of TBI & AOMSI.

  • Increase case value while creating an additional profitable revenue stream for your PI cases and for several other referral sources.

  • Optimize case settlements, expedite the settlement process and decrease attorney reduction requests.

  • Consistently and accurately identify 2 of the highest value driver conditions and injuries and diagnoses; routinely missed by your competition.

  • Become a resource for PI attorneys and other healthcare providers as a “go-to-office” for Personal Injury in your area with FDA and proprietary diagnostic testing diagnoses; routinely missed by your competition.

We come to your practice for a PR Promotion.

Make you more marketable to Attorney’s.

Press Release to the community.

Build your Brand as the go to Clinic for PI.

We come to your practice for a PR Promotion.

Make you more marketable to Attorney’s.

Press Release to the community.

Build your Brand as the go to Clinic for PI.

Network Expansion

In the ever-evolving world of personal injury clinics, expanding your network of referral partners is crucial. At the heart of any successful PI clinic lies its ability to bring in a ever-increasing stream of case referrals – this demands an ever-expanding outreach to continually build a referral network.

Unattached Cases

Doctors often invest time wooing personal injury attorneys for referrals. Let's flip that. The key? Offer them unattached PI cases, directly mined from your patient database. With our "Patient Reactivation" system, we awaken your dormant list, creating valuable cases that fortify attorney partnerships.

Your new PI Hotline, versatile across platforms like TV, websites, and billboards, ensures you're the first call after an injury.

Be the A.C.E. Authority-Celebrity-Expert in your Community with a Library of Prebuilt eBooks.

Maximize your reach with ad-free Social Media Outreach and, in the process, carve out a robust brand for yourself. By leveraging these tools, you don't just stand as another doctor; you rise as a recognized personal injury medical authority.

Attorney Network Building

Attorney Network Reputation Building

Turn Personal Injury Attorneys into Active Case Referral Source

Become an ACE

  • Authority

  • Celebrity

  • Expert

Long Term Network Building Campaign

Text Messages

Lead Magnets

Custom Video Messages


Social Media

Medical Provider Referrals

Expand your reach beyond attorneys and become the diagnostic center your community trusts. By partnering with medical professionals like Physical Therapists, Orthopedics, Pain Management experts, and Urgent Care facilities, you solidify your place in a referral ecosystem. These professionals can consistently refer personal injury cases your way, ensuring a steady influx of clients who value your chiropractic expertise. Think bigger and collaborate; there's a vast network of medical providers ready to connect and mutually benefit.

Expand your reach beyond attorneys and become the diagnostic center your community trusts. By partnering with medical professionals like Physical Therapists, Orthopedics, Pain Management experts, and Urgent Care facilities, you solidify your place in a referral ecosystem. These professionals can consistently refer personal injury cases your way, ensuring a steady influx of clients who value your chiropractic expertise. Think bigger and collaborate; there's a vast network of medical providers ready to connect and mutually benefit.


While most providers are caught in the endless loop of chasing after referrals, imagine a reversal where referral sources seek you out. Our Referral Attraction feature ensures you're not just another medical provider in the crowd, but a standout magnet for personal injury cases. Say goodbye to the competitive hustle and position yourself in a league where referrals recognize your unique value and come knocking at your door. Here's how:

While most providers are caught in the endless loop of chasing after referrals, imagine a reversal where referral sources seek you out. Our Referral Attraction feature ensures you're not just another medical provider in the crowd, but a standout magnet for personal injury cases. Say goodbye to the competitive hustle and position yourself in a league where referrals recognize your unique value and come knocking at your door. Here's how:

Medical Provider Referrals

Medical Provider Referrals

Our state-of-the-art automation software streamlines the referral process. Centralize all referral communications, facilitate 24/7 appointment scheduling through a sophisticated AI Chat Widget, and benefit from HIPAA-compliant calendars for timely reminders. Moreover, our Attorney Portal offers each lawyer in your network exclusive, round-the-clock access to vital case documentation in a HIPAA-compliant environment.

Our state-of-the-art automation software streamlines the referral process. Centralize all referral communications, facilitate 24/7 appointment scheduling through a sophisticated AI Chat Widget, and benefit from HIPAA-compliant calendars for timely reminders. Moreover, our Attorney Portal offers each lawyer in your network exclusive, round-the-clock access to vital case documentation in a HIPAA-compliant environment.

Our state-of-the-art automation software streamlines the referral process. Centralize all referral communications, facilitate 24/7 appointment scheduling through a sophisticated AI Chat Widget, and benefit from HIPAA-compliant calendars for timely reminders. Moreover, our Attorney Portal offers each lawyer in your network exclusive, round-the-clock access to vital case documentation in a HIPAA-compliant environment.

Our state-of-the-art automation software streamlines the referral process. Centralize all referral communications, facilitate 24/7 appointment scheduling through a sophisticated AI Chat Widget, and benefit from HIPAA-compliant calendars for timely reminders. Moreover, our Attorney Portal offers each lawyer in your network exclusive, round-the-clock access to vital case documentation in a HIPAA-compliant environment.

Is This the Missing Piece in Your Practice?

More Clients, More Revenue, More Impact.

Experience the Future of TBI & AOMSI Care Today.


Let Us Help You Achieve A Better Quality Of Life

Chronic pain robs suffers of their quality of life and often leads to unnecessary pain medications and even depression. It is possible to turn the clock of time backwards and get your life back. Regenerative medicine is a rapidly advancing area of health care that works to repair the injury, not just mask the pain. Until recently, treatment options for people with chronic pain were limited to steroid injections and surgery that offer only short term or often-harmful outcomes.


Effective Alternative to Surgery & Drugs

Spinal decompression treatment is fairly straightforward. This treatment technique decompresses the nerves, the spine, and the spinal discs that are currently causing you pain. Through the process, our Jackson spinal decompression professionals apply distraction force to restore the discs’ function— all without surgery or drugs!


Don’t Let Pain Control Your Life!

Peripheral neuropathy, a condition caused by damage to your peripheral nerves, can produce debilitating pain in numerous areas of the body. Our Jackson integrated wellness clinic employs professionals who are trained to provide various types of therapeutic treatments that target the source of the pain. As a result, our team can provide you with the relief you need to function in your daily life! Avoid the hassle of complicated surgeries and potentially dangerous medication by receiving customized treatment from Advanced Rehab and Medical, PC!


When you suffer from a hormone imbalance, your life can be negatively impacted in numerous ways. Your emotional well-being and your physical health are dependent upon your hormones regulating your body to behave properly.

A person produces many different hormones, including thyroxine, insulin, estrogen, and testosterone. The latter two are generally associated with women and men, respectively, but both genders produce each of the hormones. As you age, the production of these hormones can lessen, bringing on diseases, behavioral changes, and mental health issues. Bioidentical hormone pellet therapy can help rebalance the body’s hormones in as natural a way as possible. If you recognize any of the following signs and symptoms in yourself, we can help improve your life.


BHRT stands for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. What this does is ensure that the hormones you take to supplement your reduced estrogen or testosterone production exactly match the molecular structure of your body’s own hormones.

If you have begun noticing changes in your behavior, your physical well-being, or both, such as an increase in anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain, or fatigue, you might have a hormone issue. These are just some of the symptoms of low testosterone and low estrogen. You should contact a doctor to confirm that these signs are the result of a hormone imbalance and not a disease.

A comprehensive blood test will determine if you need hormone therapy and, if you do, what amount of replacement hormones your body requires to regulate your system. From there, your doctor can prescribe a plan of action specific to you.


Hormone optimization can help you feel better as you age. When we get older, our bodies slow the production of testosterone and estrogen. For women, especially as they go through perimenopause and menopause, estrogen levels decrease dramatically. If these hormones, either estrogen or testosterone, are not present at their full strength, they can cause mental, emotional, and physical problems.

You may start to have trouble sleeping, gain weight easier than before, feel depressed, or become fatigued. Symptoms that aren’t as readily noticeable, but are more serious, can include loss of bone strength and the onset of cardiovascular disease.

The good news is that these issues can be lessened or eliminated through the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.


Helping You Meet Your Goals

Are you feeling overweight, fatigued, or just all-around unhealthy as you go about your everyday life? If you have tried other methods to lose weight in the past and have failed, we understand the frustration that you are experiencing. At Advanced Rehab and Medical, PC, we offer natural weight loss programs that are actually effective. Our Jackson integrated wellness clinic offers programs and products that can help you quickly achieve your goals so you can become healthier and happier!


Carpal Tunnel – Without Surgery

Have you ever stopped to think how many daily activities rely on your wrists? If you are one of the many people who have experienced carpal tunnel then you might have an answer. Advanced Rehab & Medical can offer natural, non-surgical pain relief.

From manufacturing and office jobs, to the frequent use of cell phones, these days our wrists work overtime. Early signs of the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) can start with tingling or numbness in the hands or fingers. If it continues, it can weaken grip strength and ultimately cause intense pain.

Carpal tunnel is brought on by increased pressure on the median nerve of the wrist. This is the nerve that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. When symptoms like extremity numbness and tingling begin, muscle damage may not be far behind.


Treatment Customized to Your Needs & Lifestyle

Are you experiencing tenderness, fatigue, trouble sleeping, or chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, back, or hips due to complications associated with fibromyalgia? Good news—our Jackson integrated wellness clinic can help! Fibromyalgia is the second most common musculoskeletal disorder (following osteoarthritis), and it affects millions of Americans.

At Advanced Rehab and Medical, PC, we base our fibromyalgia treatment approach on this reasoning: If the pain from this disorder doesn’t originate in simply one way, why should it be treated in only one way? The answer is simple—it shouldn’t! Because of our different way of thinking, we provide individual treatment plans that are created to fit in with your unique symptoms, pain levels, lifestyle, and goals for pain management.


Let Us Help You Walk Comfortably

Most commonly it is described as a sharp stabbing, burning, or aching pain in your foot or heel upon standing. The fascia is a fibrous band of tissue that runs between the heel bone and your toes and stretches with every step. Inflammation can occur anywhere along the inner, outer, or transverse areas of your foot. This means that you can feel pain from the base of your heel, inside of your foot, or worse, along the entire bottom of your foot.


Maybe It’s Time To Try Something New…

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction or most commonly referred to as TMJD or TMJ, is a set of conditions characterized by pain in the jaw joint and surrounding tissues and limitation in jaw movements.In a normal temporomandibular joint there is a small disc located at the top of the mandible that cushions the joint and prevents the mandible and temporal joints from rubbing together when the jaw is closed. When it opens the disc slides forward and continues to protect the jaw.


Integrated, Natural Treatment for Your Pain

A whopping 9 out of 10 Americans experience headaches, and a large percentage suffer from them constantly. At Advanced Rehab and Medical, PC, our Jackson integrated wellness clinic believes that you don’t have to simply get used to the pain. Whether you have dull headaches or debilitating migraines, we can offer you an integrated treatment plan that is customized to your individual needs. With treatment, you may be able to finally find relief from your pain!


What Is Chiropractic Treatment?

Simply put, chiropractic care is a truly “hands-on” approach to healthcare. This form of treatment uses spinal adjustments and rehabilitation in order to realign the vertebrae, alleviate pain, and restore the spine and nervous system back to optimal functionality. Through chiropractic care, you can achieve pain relief and physical recovery without having to undergo surgery or load your body with medication!

At Advanced Rehab and Medical, PC, we use the Pettibon method of chiropractic care, which requires additional training. Only about 250 other chiropractors in the U.S. are qualified to practice this method. At our Jackson integrated wellness clinic, we provide chiropractic care hand-in-hand with other beneficial treatment techniques, such as physical therapeutics, rehabilitative exercises, and counseling for how to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.


Providing Natural Relief through Viscosupplementation

Dealing with chronic pain in your knees can be difficult, especially when your pain interrupts many aspects of your daily routine. While surgery may be the correct route for some, others may be searching for a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment option. At Advanced Rehab and Medical, PC, our team provides an effective and natural form of treatment known as “viscosupplementation.” This method works by utilizing a substance found naturally in the human body to replace joint fluid, re-pad the knee, and provide relief for pain. Viscosupplementation is a great treatment option for patients who suffer from osteoarthritis in their joints.

Our Location

555 E Butterfield Rd Ste LL 120

Lombard, IL 60148

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Monday - 8:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday - 8:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday - 8:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday - 8:00am - 5:00pm

Friday - 8:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday - Closed

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